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Showing items tagged covid19. Show All

Updated COVID-19 Safety Measures at UMBC

March 3, 2022

Key Points UMBC and area positivity rates have allowed us to revisit our current health and safety measures.  Effective Friday, March 4, masking is no longer required for much of the...

Posted: March 3, 2022, 2:00 PM

Appointments still available for COVID-19 Boosters

UMBC family and friends welcome!

There are still openings for our next COVID-19 Booster Clinic on Thursday, March 3 in the RAC.  This may be your last chance to get a booster on campus! Appointments are available for family...

Posted: February 21, 2022, 3:26 PM

USM and UMBC Covid Updates

Dear UMBC Community, Our on-campus testing and case response results continue to demonstrate that we are on the downward slope of the COVID-19 curve caused by the Omicron variant. Due to these...

Posted: February 15, 2022, 2:11 PM

Spring Opening COVID-19 Update

KEY POINTS Our early testing results show a promising trend. Thank you for complying with masking, testing, and other safety protocols. If you need help, please reach out. Dear UMBC...

Posted: February 4, 2022, 9:25 AM

Provost's Modifications of Tenure Track Faculty and

Librarian Faculty Promotion Protocols: AY 2022-2023 Cycle

In recognition of the continuing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and in an effort to mitigate some of its impacts, the Promotion and Tenure (P&T) protocol modifications that are currently in...

Posted: January 18, 2022, 5:28 PM