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Showing items tagged covid19. Show All

October 7: Retriever Ready Action Update

Health and Safety Tips + Well-Being Events

Please see the latest updates on UMBC’s Retriever Ready website. Questions? Email Enjoying Homecoming Safely We hope you will attend Homecoming 2021 this weekend. Please...

Posted: October 7, 2021, 3:07 PM

COVID-19 Updates - Masking and Testing

Dear UMBC Community, Due to the hard work of all in our community, we are pleased to see that our on-campus positivity rate remains incredibly low, at 1.6%.  Masking Update We are grateful to...

Posted: September 28, 2021, 5:02 PM

September 24: Retriever Ready Action Update

Protect the Pack with Indoor Masking unless Actively Eating

Please see the latest updates on UMBC’s Retriever Ready website. Questions? Email Prevent COVID-19! Protect the Pack: wear your mask indoors unless actively eating. We have...

Posted: September 24, 2021, 11:48 AM

COVID-19 Updates - Surveillance Testing and Case Response

Dear UMBC Community, Now that we are several weeks into the Fall semester, we wish to thank each of you for everything you are doing to keep our community healthy and safe. We are closely...

Posted: September 15, 2021, 10:19 AM

Classroom Safety Updates for Fall 2021

A message to faculty

Dear Colleagues, Next week many of us will be returning to campus to teach for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic. It will be wonderful to reconnect with our students and the...

Posted: September 2, 2021, 2:18 PM