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Dr. Christine Mallinson New Appointment

Special Assistant for Research & Creative Achievement

Dear Members of the UMBC Community,

I am delighted to announce the appointment of Dr. Christine Mallinson as Special Assistant for Research & Creative Achievement and APLU-CoR Fellow in the Office for Research & Creative Achievement effective September 1, 2022.

Dr. Mallinson is Professor of Language, Literacy and Culture and Affiliate Professor of Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies at UMBC.

As Special Assistant for Research & Creative Achievement, Dr. Mallinson will advance UMBC’s mission by working with the Vice President for Research & Creative Achievement in establishing a campus-wide program to establish grant-writing academies designed to catalyze NIH research funding for UMBC faculty.

In April 2022 Dr. Mallinson was selected as a Research Leader Fellow of the Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities – Council on Research (APLU-CoR), a year-long leadership development program designed to provide training and skill development to individuals who work closely in various capacities as or with the University’s Chief Research Officer (CRO), including those who aspire to transition into CRO positions in the future.

As an extension of the APLU-CoR Fellow program, Dr. Mallinson will be working closely with colleagues in the Office of Research & Creative Achievement, with UMBC’s RCA Council, and with Associate Deans for Research in each of the Colleges to develop and implement a new NIH Grant Accelerator Innovation Network (NIH-GAINS) across our campus.

Dr. Mallinson first joined UMBC in 2006 as an Assistant Professor in the Language, Literacy, & Culture Program.  She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology & Anthropology and an M.A. in English Linguistics, both from North Carolina State University, and a B.A. in Sociology and German from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Since 2018 Dr. Mallinson has served as the Inaugural Director of the Center for Social Science Scholarship (CS3), where she launched the college-wide center, spearheading and leading initiatives that advance social science research for faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students across the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences and overseeing the college’s social science research administration unit.

Dr. Mallinson has a strong record of university service and leadership. She currently serves on several university committees, including UMBC’s Research & Creative Achievement Council, Faculty Affairs, and the Provost’s Interdisciplinary Activities Advisory Committee.

I am delighted that Dr. Mallinson will share her talent and experience to support the growth of our campus-wide RCA efforts.  Please join me in congratulating Dr. Mallinson on her new appointment and supporting her in this important endeavor.

Karl V. Steiner, Vice President for Research & Creative Achievement

Posted: September 6, 2022, 10:35 AM