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UMBC Bold Weekly Update

Dear Community,

Thank you to our co-hosts and to everyone who participated in our first sessions of UMBC Bold: Campus Conversations. We held our first three sessions last week and were delighted by the robust turnout and active engagement by the UMBC community. You can see this week's sessions and the full schedule of conversations on our website

We hope you will plan to join at least one session on a topic that you are interested in. There are several sessions this week, both in person and online, including conversations about university governance and engagement, a community-engaged university, the research enterprise, staff as empowered stakeholders, and faculty advancement. Any community member is welcome to attend any session. We also continue to invite you to share your feedback using this form.


Thank you for coming together with us to share what inspires you about our community and how we can continue to grow and improve. 

Vandana Janeja, Chair and Professor of Information Systems

Michelle Scott, Professor of History

Greg Simmons, M.P.P. '04, Vice President for Institutional Advancement

UMBC Bold Committee Chairs

Posted: March 6, 2023, 2:16 PM