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Latest grants from the Hrabowski Fund for Innovation

UMBC is proud to announce the projects selected to receive grants in the fall 2016 round of the Hrabowski Fund for Innovation competition.


Intercultural Tales: Learning With Baltimore's Immigrant Communities – Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication assistant professors Tania Lizarazo and Thania Munoz Diaz will promote one-on-one collaboration between UMBC students and members of immigrant communities in Baltimore using digital stories. The goal of the project is to enhance the communication and cultural competence of students, while elevating the visibility of immigrant populations in the region and highlighting the positive contributions they make as members in their communities.


From Service to Study: Creating a Better Environment for UMBC's Student Veterans – Meredith Oyen, Associate Professor of History and Asian Studies, will lead a team to address the unique needs of students transitioning from military service to college life. This work will involve developing interdisciplinary programs to educate faculty, staff, and students on how to assist veterans as they enroll in classes, seek out advising, and adjust to campus life. Specifically, the project will create a complementary new oral history course that captures student veteran experiences to be shared with the broader community. The project also includes "Green Zone Training," which will create a visible network of faculty and staff on campus who are aware of veteran issues and qualified to offer assistance, if needed.

Winners from the spring 2017 submission will be notified in early May. Proposals for the next round of Innovation Fund grants are due by October 20, 2017. For more information and to apply, visit UMBC's Faculty Development Center.

The Hrabowski Fund for Innovation exemplifies UMBC's commitment to investing in faculty initiatives that fuel creativity and enterprise and also create opportunities for student engagement.

Posted: February 23, 2017, 12:19 PM