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Please join us in social distancing and saving lives

Dear Students,

You may have heard from the news that bars, restaurants, and other large gatherings have been temporarily banned from operating in Maryland and many other states across the U.S. As we respond to the impact of COVID-19, which has been designated a global pandemic by the CDC and a national emergency by President Trump, we urge you to practice social distancing and stay home when at all possible in order to stop the spread of the virus. This will help protect the lives of others, especially those who are immune-compromised, over 60, or who have other serious, life-threatening risk factors. Social distancing means remaining out of public settings when at all possible, avoiding large gatherings, and maintaining distance (approximately six feet) from others.

The virus that causes COVID-19 is infecting people and spreading easily from person to person. It is possible to spread the virus before any symptoms develop. Experts advise that social distancing can help slow the spread of illness and save lives during public health emergencies. Along with social distancing, following prevention measures is critical to doing as much as we can to keep others from becoming seriously ill or at risk of death. 

Despite its social relevance to you, no event with a large number of people is worth putting lives at risk, including the lives of family members, friends, and colleagues, regardless of the reason or locale. We ask that you use phone, email, social media platforms, and online conferencing to remain in touch with loved ones and friends, and to check on neighbors and others who may need support.

It is up to every one of us to help minimize the impact of COVID-19. Please commit to placing the health and safety of others above all as we adapt to this rapidly evolving situation. Additional updates and information are available on the CDC website and covid19.umbc.edu.

Frances Watson, SGA President
Alex Rittle, GSA President
Freeman Hrabowski, President
Nancy Young, Vice President for Student Affairs


Posted: March 16, 2020, 5:01 PM