Showing items tagged bold. Show All
UMBC Bold Weekly Update
Dear Community, We're excited for the start of UMBC Bold: Campus Conversations, which began this week and are scheduled through March. You can see the full schedule of conversations on our...
Posted: March 1, 2023, 8:27 AM
UMBC Bold: Campus Conversation Schedule is Now Available
Dear UMBC Community, We are pleased to announce that our first campus conversations are now scheduled and available on the UMBC Bold website. We will update the site regularly as our...
Posted: February 21, 2023, 8:47 AM
UMBC Bold: Campus Conversations
Dear UMBC Community, It has been such a pleasure to witness firsthand the strength of this community and to get to know many of you in my first few months. You have accomplished great things...
Posted: October 24, 2022, 3:09 PM