New Login Process for the SPS Workday Benefits System
Dear Faculty and Staff, The State of Maryland Department of Budget & Management (DBM) Employee Benefits division has moved to a new multi-factor login process (OneLogin) in SPS Workday,...
Posted: September 11, 2020, 10:50 AM
September 10: Retriever Ready Action Update
UMBC Public Health Dashboard + Service-Learning Opportunity
Please see the latest updates on UMBC’s Retriever Ready website. We encourage you to bookmark this site for the most current information on UMBC’s COVID-19 response, online learning this fall, and...
Posted: September 10, 2020, 5:55 PM
The Empowered University Fall Gatherings: Social Justice
What defines us is not whether crises happen, but how we respond to them. How is UMBC continuing to redefine excellence in higher education at the intersection of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Black...
Posted: September 10, 2020, 12:36 PM
COVID-19 Budget Impact
Dear Colleagues, We have faced many challenges as a community through the spring and summer, working together to support both academic continuity and campus health during the COVID-19...
Posted: September 10, 2020, 11:25 AM
UMBC Inclusion Council Update: New Working Groups
Dear Members of the UMBC Community, We are deeply troubled by continued acts of brutality against Black people, including the recent shooting of Jacob Blake by a police officer in Kenosha,...
Posted: September 4, 2020, 11:00 AM
September 3: Retriever Ready Action Update
Labor Day Safety Tips + Retesting for Residential Students
Please see the latest updates on UMBC’s Retriever Ready website. We encourage you to bookmark this site for the most current information on UMBC’s COVID-19 response, online learning this fall, and...
Posted: September 4, 2020, 10:25 AM
Support for Caregivers
Dear UMBC Community, The Labor Day holiday honors the achievements of working people, and it takes on special significance this year as we recognize the extraordinary professional and personal...
Posted: September 4, 2020, 10:14 AM
UMBC to Acquire Former Catonsville District Courthouse
Dear Members of the UMBC Community, I am pleased to announce that UMBC has acquired the former Catonsville District Courthouse building on Walker Avenue, located on land designated as part of...
Posted: September 3, 2020, 11:30 AM
September 1: Retriever Ready Action Update
UMBC Public Health Dashboard + Study Abroad Update
Please see the latest updates on UMBC’s Retriever Ready website. We encourage you to bookmark this site for the most current information on UMBC’s COVID-19 response, online learning this fall, and...
Posted: September 1, 2020, 5:34 PM
Initial Results of UMBC’s Pre-Semester COVID-19 Testing
Dear UMBC Community, UMBC’s fall 2020 semester began last week with a conservative approach designed to enable some on-campus activity supporting students’ academic progress while protecting...
Posted: September 1, 2020, 1:44 PM
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