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April 2: Retriever Ready Action Update

COVID-19 Vaccine Pre-Registration Update

Please see the latest updates on UMBC’s Retriever Ready website. Questions? Email covid19@umbc.edu.

Update on Fall 2021 Semester

  • Read the latest update on the fall semester here.
  • As we prepare for a primarily in-person campus in the fall, we look forward to creating opportunities for students to safely gather and participate in campus events and activities. You can read an update about this planning, and free hour’s move to Fridays, here.

COVID-19 Health & Safety

  • UMBC’s Public Health Dashboard was updated with new data on March 31. There were 11 new positive on-campus cases during this reporting period. While our campus positive rate remained steady at 0.2 percent during this reporting period, the Baltimore County positivity rate increased from 5 percent to 6.2 percent. 
  • We urge community members to remain vigilant and continue to observe health and safety precautions including masking, social distancing, and frequent hand washing both on and off campus.

COVID-19 Vaccine

Open Processing and Healing Space for Students on Anti-Asian Violence

  • There will be a processing and healing space for Asian and Asian American students and their allies on Friday, April 2, from 3 ﹘ 4 p.m. EST. This will be a student-centered space for finding words to describe our experiences on the impact of the violence in Atlanta and the exacerbated anti-Asian climate over the past years and historically, listen to each other’s stories, and advance community connection through solidarity and coalition. This event is presented by the Asian American Faculty and Staff Council, the Counseling Center, Initiatives for Identity, Inclusion & Belonging (i3b), and the Women’s Center.

Online Learning Resources for Students

UMBC Together

Posted: April 2, 2021, 12:53 PM