April 15: Retriever Ready Action Update
New Fall 2021 Semester Academic FAQs for Undergrads
Please see the latest updates on UMBC’s Retriever Ready website. Questions? Email covid19@umbc.edu.
Fall 2020 Semester Report
- Check out an overview of our work in the Fall 2020 semester, including student feedback, an overview of health and safety processes on campus, and student academic performance compared to pre-pandemic semesters.
COVID-19 Health & Safety
- UMBC’s Public Health Dashboard was updated with new data on April 14. There were 13 new positive on-campus cases during this reporting period.
- Testing on Fridays? Please Read This: If you are taking an on-campus COVID-19 test on Friday, it is important that you take and drop off your test before noon so that results can be processed before the weekend. This will help us get timely support to those who may need it.
Fall 2021 Semester Academic FAQs For Undergraduates
- Undergraduates: Check out our new UMBC to Return to On-Campus Academics and Student Support Services webpage for the Fall 2021 semester.
UMBC Together
- Visit the UMBC Together website for recent social media posts and the UMBC Together myUMBC group for information on upcoming events.
Posted: April 15, 2021, 3:56 PM