BOOK NOW: Vaccine appointments
Dear Community,
After focusing on our current students, we now have a limited number of appointments available for UMBC’s first on-campus COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic. We will be offering the Pfizer vaccine on Tuesday, May 11 from 9 AM - 1 PM, pleasesign-up here for the first dose. We will offer second shots on campus on Tuesday, June 1, 9AM - 1 PM. You can sign-up to receive your second dose on campus here.
We are also offering the single dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine on Wednesday, May 12 from 9 AM - 12 noon. Sign-up here for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine clinic.
Both clinics will be in the UC Ballroom, when you arrive on campus, please park in Lot 8. You must wear a mask and practice physical distancing.
If slots fill or you cannot make these dates, we plan to offer additional clinics throughout the summer. If you have already been vaccinated, please report your vaccination.
Posted: May 10, 2021, 8:32 AM