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COVID-19 Updates - Surveillance Testing and Case Response

Dear UMBC Community,

Now that we are several weeks into the Fall semester, we wish to thank each of you for everything you are doing to keep our community healthy and safe. We are closely monitoring COVID-19 prevalence in our community and Maryland. While the nation continues to experience a surge due to the Delta variant, we are cautiously optimistic that responding to the virus on campus is going well, due to your efforts. 

Our campus vaccination rate has surpassed 98% and our positivity rate remains less than 1%. These numbers are updated weekly on our public health dashboard.

Surveillance Testing

As a part of our safety protocols, UMBC is conducting ongoing COVID-19 surveillance testing. This testing helps us understand the prevalence of COVID-19 in our community, identify potential cases, and guide additional action. Periodically, members of our community will be randomly selected to complete mandatory COVID-19 testing. Surveillance testing will happen routinely in residential life, and faculty, staff, and commuting students may also periodically be asked to test.


If you are selected for testing, you will receive an email with detailed instructions. You will have a four-day window to complete testing, which will be on campus and free of charge. More information is available here. Please keep in mind that on-campus testing is provided for community members assigned a testing plan in their COVID Compliance Card or who are participating in surveillance testing.


Case Response and Close Contacts

UMBC’s Case Response Team is tasked with responding to positive cases in our community and is meeting regularly. You can learn more about our process here. If you test positive for COVID-19, please complete a case report form immediately to receive resources and support. The page also contains information for individuals who have been identified as a close contact to someone who has tested positive. 


When the University is made aware of a case of COVID-19, whether through reporting or testing, we help identify and contact anyone who has been in close contact with that community member. This includes other attendees in courses. The guidance for each situation will vary based on the type of exposure and the vaccination status of all involved. You will receive detailed instructions by email if you have potentially been exposed. 


Please keep in mind that if you are experiencing any symptoms of illness, even if you do not think it is COVID-19, please stay home! Help keep our community safe and healthy.

Thank you for all that you are doing.

Provost Philip Rous

Vice President for Administration and Finance Lynne Schaefer

COVID-19 Planning Coordinating Committee Co-Chairs


Posted: September 15, 2021, 10:19 AM