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COVID-19 Updates - Masking and Testing

Dear UMBC Community,

Due to the hard work of all in our community, we are pleased to see that our on-campus positivity rate remains incredibly low, at 1.6%. 

Masking Update

We are grateful to the vast majority of our community members who have been diligently wearing masks whenever and wherever they are required. Nevertheless, due to some challenges, we remind you that all community members are required to (1) wear a mask inside public buildings anytime you are not actively eating and drinking and (2) wear an effective mask that covers your nose and mouth.

We are all weary of masks but know that these requirements are an essential safety measure that allows us to experience our campus in person. Please help us remind one another to keep our masks on!

Testing Update

UMBC currently provides free on-campus COVID-19 testing for select community members with health and safety requirements that include routine testing. We are also using the testing program to conduct random surveillance testing and for individuals who we believe may have been exposed on campus. 

Beginning Monday, October 4, testing will also be available to fully vaccinated community members without symptoms who believe they may have been exposed to COVID-19. Instructions for how to access testing are available on this page; please review them carefully as testing is unsupervised.

Please keep in mind that if you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, including cold or flu symptoms, do not come to campus or test on campus.For the safety of all in our community, please seek medical attention. Students without a primary care physician may call Retriever Integrated Health at 410-455-2542. 

If you have questions about what to do if you or someone in your household receives a positive test result or has contact with someone who has COVID-19, please visit the Retriever Ready website for more information.

Provost Philip Rous

Vice President for Administration and Finance Lynne Schaefer

COVID-19 Planning Coordinating Committee Co-Chairs


Posted: September 28, 2021, 5:02 PM