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Provost's Modifications of Tenure Track Faculty and

Librarian Faculty Promotion Protocols: AY 2022-2023 Cycle

In recognition of the continuing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and in an effort to mitigate some of its impacts, the Promotion and Tenure (P&T) protocol modifications that are currently in place for the AY 2021-2022 P&T cycle will be extended to tenure-track and librarian faculty who are scheduled for P&T review during the next academic year (AY 2022-2023).

Additionally, we are further adjusting the temporary modifications to the P&T policy announced in 2021 to permit all Assistant Professors who have successfully completed their third-year contract review to request a second one-year extension for their P&T review in addition to any one-year extension that was granted prior to their third-year contract review. Requests should be submitted to the department chair for approval on or before April 20 in the Spring semester prior to their scheduled P&T review. The requests will be forwarded to the Dean and Provost for approval and final action.

The updated promotion protocols for the AY 2022-2023 P&T cycle include a revised statement on the impact of COVID-19 that must be included in all letters of guidance to external reviewers. This statement recognizes that the pandemic’s impact, which began in March 2020, is continuing through the spring 2022 semester.

Provost Philip Rous


Posted: January 18, 2022, 5:28 PM