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UMBC Bold Weekly Update

Dear Community,

We hope you had an enjoyable and relaxing spring break. Our subcommittee co-chairs have been facilitating some very thoughtful sessions and discussions. We also want to recognize the tremendous work from the staff behind the scenes making these sessions run smoothly. 

As we head toward the conclusion of our UMBC Bold Campus Conversations, we are working on our next steps. Subcommittee chairs will compile summaries and reports from their sessions, which they will share with us and President Sheares Ashby. Subcommittee chairs have already been talking with us about emerging themes including UMBC’s strengths, incredible future potential, and the work it will take to realize our bold aspirations. 

We hope to see you at one of this week’s sessions, which include discussions on community engagement, the alumni community, graduate academic experience, the student experience, undergraduate academics, the research enterprise, and staff as empowered stakeholders. You can sign up for sessions and view the full schedule of conversations on our website

All are welcome at any session, whether you have previously attended or if you are new to the process. Remember that you can also share your feedback using this form. Thank you for your participation. 

Vandana Janeja, Chair and Professor of Information Systems

Michelle R. Scott, Professor of History

Greg Simmons, M.P.P. ’04, Vice President for Institutional Advancement

UMBC Bold Committee Chairs

Posted: March 27, 2023, 11:10 AM