Congratulations on successful visit for COEIT accreditation
Dear Members of the UMBC Community,
As many of you are aware, the ABET accreditation team has been on campus for the past three days, and yesterday they delivered their positive verbal report. Although their final written report is pending, of particular note was the way in which the team highlighted the exemplary dedication of COEIT faculty and staff to the success of our students.
We wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate our COEIT colleagues for their careful preparation of the excellent self-study documents and positive interaction with the members of the accreditation team. We recognize that a favorable accreditation result reflects the hard work of all of those who prepared the self-study and participated in the visit, the commitment of faculty and staff who support the College, the University, and our students, and the impressive graduates of each program.
Special thanks to Dean Keith Bowman, Associate Dean Marie desJardins, and the COEIT Department Chairs for their leadership.
President Freeman Hrabowski and Provost Philip Rous
Posted: October 18, 2017, 1:32 PM