Update on ILSB Construction Project - November 2017
Thank you so much for your patience and understanding as we continue work on the Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Building, an important construction project to expand our life sciences programs and teaching facilities and to support interdisciplinary research.
Commons Drop-off Area
Construction of the new drop-off circle and pedestrian pathways has completed. We encourage vehicles use the new drop-off circle between the Physics building and the Commons Garage.
Commons Circle Construction
Beginning this weekend and continuing through March 2018, construction will begin on the north side of the Commons Circle, as crews work to update walkways, lighting, plantings, and landscaping. This includes the removal of vegetation near the Physics building, which will be restored at the conclusion of this work. A temporary accessible pathway will be installed between the Physics building and gated parking lot 2 during this phase of construction to allow for ease of access to other parts of campus.
As always, accessibility is part of the design process with all campus construction projects to ensure support for faculty, staff, students, and visitors with disabilities. If you have a concern about accessibility, or want to inquire about a disability-based accommodation, please contact UMBC's Accessibility and Disability Services office.
Commons Circle Vehicle Access
The Commons Circle will be remain closed to personal vehicles. If you are scheduling pick-up or drop-off on campus, please use the new Commons drop-off circle or the main campus entrance. Access to the Commons for authorized work vehicles and deliveries will continue.
As we continue to move forward with this important construction project and others across campus, we encourage you to visit the Facilities Management website and join our myUMBC group to receive news and updates and stay apprised of how construction projects across campus may impact you.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.
Lenn Caron, Assistant Vice President, Facilities Management
Posted: November 20, 2017, 9:18 AM