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Call for Nominations: 2019 Board of Regents’ Faculty Awards

The Board of Regents’ Faculty Awards recognizes distinguished performance by faculty within the past three years, in the categories of: teaching, research/scholarship/creative activity, public service, mentoring and innovation, inter-USM campus collaboration. The Honors and Awards Committee of the Faculty Senate will select up to three individuals in each category for nomination to the Board of Regents.

To nominate yourself or a faculty colleague for one of these awards, prepare a packet of no more than five pages including a summary resume, a one-page essay by the nominee describing his or her contribution to excellence, a letter of recommendation from the department chair or dean, and brief documentation of exemplary achievement.

Submit the packet to the Honors and Awards Committee, c/o Patrice McDermott, Office of the Provost, by Friday, September 21. Additional detailed information concerning eligibility, criteria, and documentation for these awards can be found here.

Posted: August 27, 2018, 10:36 AM