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Updated Guidance from Human Resources

Dear UMBC Faculty and Staff, 

During this rapidly changing situation, UMBC is committed to ensuring the safety of our faculty, staff, and students. UMBC is responding to the COVID-19 outbreak in coordination with the University System of Maryland (USM) and the State of Maryland. The USM recently released additional guidance on implementing remote work and advice for those in at-risk groups.   

As our business operations resume on Thursday, March 19, the following guidance applies:

  • No staff member who is immuno-compromised or otherwise considered by CDC guidance to be high-risk regarding COVID-19 will be required to work on campus. Faculty and staff over the age of 60, or those with underlying conditions, can contact human resources on a confidential basis to arrange telework or leave.  

  • Supervisors will notify employees who are needed to work on campus. Compensatory time or additional compensation will be given to non-exempt employees whose work is to be performed on campus.

  • Buildings on campus will remain secured. If you must access your building, please call the UMBC Police Department at 410-455-5555. 

  • All other staff, faculty, and students should remain off-campus, with employees working remotely as instructed by their supervisor. Remote work during COVID-19 related events does not require a telework agreement. The restriction on teleworking from home when caring for children or other dependents will be waived if the employee believes they can safely and productively telework while providing any necessary care. We urge supervisors to practice flexibility with their employees.   

  • UMBC will follow state and federal health protocols for the safety of persons on campus, including cleaning and sanitizing of campus facilities as well as practicing safe community mitigation practices such as social distancing.

  • UMBC has made provisions for all faculty, staff, and students to remain in a paid status at the present time. Additional updates will be provided as guidance from the USM, State, and federal government evolves. 

  • Timekeeping instructions for all employees can be found here.

This is an evolving situation, please continue to monitor the UMBC COVID-19 websitefor updates and guidance/FAQ’s for faculty and staff. Employee questions can be sent to covid19hrresponseteam@umbc.edu. We sincerely thank you for your service to UMBC and your endurance during these difficult times. UMBC’s community is made up of members with grit and resolve, and we will get through this together!  

UMBC's Incident Management Team

Posted: March 18, 2020, 8:02 PM