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Sherman Center announces 2019-20 research fellows

The Sherman Center for Early Learning in Urban Communities is pleased to announce its 2019-20 research fellows. Two projects were selected for funding - one led by Dr. Patricia Young, associate professor of education, and the other led by Dr. Jane Lincove, associate professor of public policy at UMBC.

Dr. Young and co-investigator, Ms. Deborah Kariuki (Master of Arts in Education Graduate Program, UMBC), will conduct a yearlong study entitled, Infusing a Culture-based Computational Thinking Curriculum in Urban Preschools. They will work with Judy Center faculty and staff at Lakeland Elementary/Middle School to improve young learners’ computational thinking, thereby enhancing their problem solving skills and creativity. Dr. Young and Ms. Kariuki will develop, and with preschool teachers, test the Culture-based Computational Thinking Curriculum and instructional materials. In addition, they will design a parents’ guide to computational thinking for young learners.

Dr. Lincove with co-investigators, Dr. Lieny Jeon (Johns Hopkins University) and Ms. Sarah Bollard (Baltimore City Public Schools), will conduct a three-year study entitled, Judy Centers in Baltimore: Improving Data-Informed Decisions. This study will develop a new database from existing sources to investigate the effect of Judy Center services on young children’s kindergarten readiness, the relative effectiveness of different Judy Center programs and services, and the potential for measuring outcomes for children before they enter kindergarten. In addition to improving early childhood data systems and infrastructure, this project will produce relevant research for policy and program improvements.

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Young, Dr. Lincove, and their co-investigators.

The Sherman Center request for proposals for the 2020-21 funding cycle will be announced in September and proposals will be due in February 2021. For more information, please contact Dr. Mavis Sanders, Sherman Center Director, at msanders@umbc.edu.

Posted: April 8, 2020, 2:07 PM