April 15: UMBC COVID-19 Action Update
Campus Status: The University is open, with employees working remotely. Facilities will remain closed. Maryland is currently under a Stay at Home Order and face-coverings are required when in retail establishments and public transportation.
For the most updated information and more information on actions to reduce COVID-19 risks in our community, please visit covid19.umbc.edu.
Academic Continuity
- This Friday, April 17 at 11 a.m., join us for a virtual town hall: Research and Creative Achievement under COVID-19
Student Services and Support
- Over 5000 Retrievers in four countries have been working out with UMBC Recreation’s free online classes. You can also join them Friday for Trivia Night.
- The Counseling Center is sponsoring Graduate Student Drop-Ins: Support in times of uncertainty. Visit their myUMBC group for information.
- University Health Services and The Counseling Center are both providing services remotely during this time.
Business Continuity and Staff Support
- An updated version of the COVID-19 Timekeeping Instructions and Reference Guide is now available.
- Human Resources has prepared a new quick reference document, Remote Work Time Reporting Requirements (Regular & Contingent II Nonexempt), to assist employees with properly recording work and leave time.
- Non-working students will continue to be paid for hours reported through May 20, 2020. Non-working students, graduate assistants, and contractual employees, and their supervisors and payroll preparers, should review the COVID-19 Payment Update for important information.
- The University has identified a remote Notary service. Contact Pam Rombach for more information.
- There are now updated guidelines for Business Services, Purchases, and Invoices.
- Only employees with a letter from their supervisor or students that are approved for late stay should be on campus. If you have an emergency need to visit campus, call UMBC Police Deputy Chief Bruce Perry at 443-677-2195 or Lieutenant Derrick Johns at 410-207-0850.
In the midst of challenging times, the UMBC community always finds ways to support each other. Check out how Retrievers are staying #UMBCtogether even though we’re physically apart:
If you have questions or concerns, please email covid19@umbc.edu.
Posted: April 15, 2020, 5:46 PM