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Celebrating Faculty Advancement

Dear Colleagues,

The completion of UMBC’s annual promotion and tenure process provides us with an opportunity to recognize members of our community who have been promoted in rank based on the excellence they have demonstrated. This rigorous review process serves to uphold our ideals as a scholarly community focused on supporting our students, advancing knowledge, and serving the broader community. Individuals who are promoted have demonstrated wide-ranging commitment to our mission as a research university while reaching significant milestones in their roles as teachers, scholars, and mentors.

This year, we recognize the success of 47 colleagues: teachers and mentors who have found new ways to reach and inspire students; scholars committed to deepening our understanding of humanity and the natural world that surrounds us; and those whose work advances community-engaged scholarship and learning. Like all members of the UMBC community, these individuals have responded to challenging circumstances with grit, creativity, and compassion. Their example inspires us and offers hope.

Please join us in congratulating our colleagues selected this spring for promotion or tenure.

Promoted to Rank of Senior Lecturer
Eric Abele
Elisabeth Arevalo-Guerrero
Melissa Blair
Elizabeth Feeser
Jennifer Hughes
Greggory Schraven
Tracy Smith

Promoted to Rank of Principal Lecturer
Diane Alonso
Steven Caruso
Kate Drabinski
Samir El Omari
Carol Fitzpatrick
Tiffany Gierasch
Sarah Leupen
Eileen O'Brien
Sally Shivnan
Donald Snyder
Brigid Starkey
Susanne Sutton
Alan Wonneberger

Promoted to the Rank of Associate Professor with Tenure
Salem Abo-Zaid
Erin Green
Karuna Joshi
Seung-Jun Kim
Nancy Kusmaul
Michael Lane
Michael Jerome Nance
Shimei Pan
Corrie Parks
Whitney Schwab
Dena Smith
Nianshen Song
Bedrich Sousedik
Meilin Yu

Promoted to the Rank of Professor
Rebecca Adelman
Nilanjan Banerjee
Shawn Bediako
Zhiyuan Chen
Carolyn Forestiere
George Karabatis
Tyson King-Meadows
Kimberly Moffitt
Margaret Re
Carolyn Seaman
John Stolle-McAllister

Obtaining Tenure
Zoe McLaren

Promotion to Librarian II
Aimee Plaisance

President Freeman Hrabowski and Provost Philip Rous

Posted: June 1, 2020, 12:23 PM