Dear UMBC Community,
The fall 2020 Student Course Evaluation (SCE) process is in progress. If you have not already completed your evaluations, I am encouraging you to do so soon. The SCEs will be available online through Tuesday, December 8, 2020, at midnight.
Now more than ever, completing your Student Course Evaluations will be helpful for understanding and evaluating student and faculty experiences in the current learning environment, which has been changed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. All responses are anonymous and confidential and are not released until after fall semester final grades are submitted.
You can access the online SCE with any device (e.g., desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone). The survey application is accessible by email link, a BlackBoard building block link, and a “Student Course Evaluations” link that is available on myUMBC. Once you have accessed the SCE application, use your myUMBC credentials to login to "profiles." Once logged in, students will see a list of courses in which they are enrolled and will be able to complete a survey.
Faculty are encouraged to promote the SCE survey and to remind students that the survey can be completed 24/7 from now through December 8, 2020, at midnight.
Provost Philip Rous