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December 17: Retriever Ready Action Update

Updated Public Health Dashboard + December De-Stress Event

Please see the latest updates on UMBC’s Retriever Ready website. Questions? Email covid19@umbc.edu.

COVID-19 Health & Safety

  • UMBC’s Public Health Dashboard was updated with new data on December 16. There were six new positive on-campus cases during this reporting period. Our current positivity rate is 1.4 percent, which we recognize is higher than it has been for most of the semester. We believe this is mostly due to a significant reduction in on-campus testing as the semester closed, meaning that the University is only receiving self-reports of positive tests.
  • For some the holidays are a difficult time this year and some are struggling with the loss of traditions due to COVID-19 and other circumstances. This article includes helpful information and resources.

Counseling Center Presents December De-Stress 

  • The Counseling Center presents December De-Stress: Show Us Your Projects on Thursday, December 17 at 2 p.m. Share projects or other things that have brought you joy or meaning this year ﹘ or tell us about activities or projects you might like to try in the future. Take a break, connect with other UMBC students, and maybe get inspired to try something new this Winter Break.

UMBC Together

Posted: December 17, 2020, 1:14 PM