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March 12: Retriever Ready Action Update

COVID-19 Vaccine Volunteer Opportunity

Please see the latest updates on UMBC’s Retriever Ready website. Questions? Email covid19@umbc.edu.

We hope you have a safe and restful Spring Break. The next Retriever Ready Action Update will arrive in your inbox on March 25, 2021.

COVID-19 Health & Safety

  • Please remember that if you do not need to be on campus during break, your testing schedule is paused. Residential students should continue to test.

Spring Break Staycation!

  • UMBC residential students can stay on campus during Spring Break and take advantage of time to sleep, rest up, recreate, and recharge!  Here is a list of things to enjoy while you are on campus! Spring break meal plans can be purchased here. Stay in and stay well!

COVID-19 Vaccine

  • Have you been fully vaccinated? Check out these tips from the CDC about how to continue to protect yourself and others.
  • The State of Maryland is providing an opportunity for college students over the age of 18 to serve as volunteers at one of the several vaccination sites around the state. The recently announced Maryland COVID-19 Vaccination Site Student Volunteer Program is a special part of the Maryland Responds Medical Reserve Corps. Volunteers may serve as greeters, ambulatory assistants, observers, or in other roles as assigned by the on-site volunteer coordinator. Check out the program website to register or learn more.

Mental Health 

UMBC Together

Posted: March 12, 2021, 10:11 AM