UMBC Bold Weekly Update
Dear Community,
We're excited for the start of UMBC Bold: Campus Conversations, which began this week and are scheduled through March. You can see the full schedule of conversations on our website.
We encourage every member of the UMBC community to participate in this important initiative to help shape the future of UMBC. You are welcome to join as many conversations as you like (note that some sessions are virtual and some are in-person). If you cannot attend, or you prefer to share your feedback in writing, you can do so using this form.
Throughout UMBC Bold, we'll share weekly updates, including news and reminders about upcoming events. We hope to see you soon.
Vandana Janeja, Chair and Professor of Information Systems
Michelle Scott, Professor of History
Greg Simmons, M.P.P. '04, Vice President for Institutional Advancement
UMBC Bold Committee Chairs
Posted: March 1, 2023, 8:27 AM